Andreas Karavias

Andreas Karavias

Earth Observation & GIS specialist

Centre for Research & Technology Hellas

Karavias Andreas is a BSc geographer (2018) with an MSc in geoinformatics (2021) from the Harokopio University of Athens (HUA). He is a member of HUA earth observation team since 2017 with a number of contributions to emergency mapping. Through his academic studies, he has five scientific publications related to natural hazards and environmental observations (link in publications). He has worked as an earth observation specialist on the ESA Coastal Erosion project “Space for Shore” having as an object the multi-temporal mapping of coastlines using the SAR images (2020-2021). He is specialized in DinSAR applications (earthquakes, subsidence), in burned area mapping (using optical data), and has dealt with various applications through the use of SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and optical data.

  • Earth Observation
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar
  • MSc in Geoinformatics, 2021

    Harokopio University of Athens

  • BSc. in Geography, 2018

    Harokopio University of Athens
